Ephesians 4:1-16
Prayer Journal: Based on Ephesians 4:1–16
The passage in Ephesians 4:1–16 emphasizes unity, spiritual growth, and living out one's calling in the body of Christ. Below is a structured prayer journal that can guide prayers for anyone, focusing on their walk with God, relationships, and their role in Christ’s body.
Day 1: Living a Worthy Life
Verse focus: “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” (Eph. 4:1)
Prayer Prompt: Pray for the person to recognize and live out their God-given calling.
"Lord, I pray for [name]. May they live a life that reflects the calling You have given them. Help them walk in obedience, purpose, and faithfulness, glorifying You in all they do."
Day 2: Humility, Gentleness, and Patience
Verse focus: “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Eph. 4:2)
Prayer Prompt: Ask God to cultivate humility, gentleness, patience, and love in their character.
"Father, I ask that You mold [name] into someone who is humble and gentle in their interactions and patient with others. Teach them to bear with others in love, reflecting Your grace and compassion."
Day 3: Unity in the Spirit
Verse focus: “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Eph. 4:3)
Prayer Prompt: Pray for them to be a peacemaker and a source of unity among believers.
"God, I pray that [name] would strive to maintain unity with others through the bond of peace. Fill them with Your Spirit, that they may love and serve others while promoting harmony in relationships."
Day 4: Confidence in One Faith, One Lord
Verse focus: “There is one body and one Spirit… one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all.” (Eph. 4:4–6)
Prayer Prompt: Pray for their faith to be firmly rooted in the unchanging truth of God.
"Lord, I thank You for being the one true God. Help [name] to stand firm in their faith and to trust in You as their Lord and Father. May their life reflect the unity and truth of Your kingdom."
Day 5: Recognizing God’s Grace Gifts
Verse focus: “But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.” (Eph. 4:7)
Prayer Prompt: Ask God to reveal and empower the spiritual gifts He has given them.
"Father, I pray that [name] comes to understand the grace and gifts You’ve given them. Show them how to use their gifts to serve others and glorify You, contributing to Your work in the church."
Day 6: Leadership and Building Up Others
Verse focus: “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service.” (Eph. 4:11–12a)
Prayer Prompt: Pray that they learn and grow under godly leaders and, in turn, build up others.
"Lord, I pray for those who lead and teach [name], that they may equip them for service in Your kingdom. And I ask that [name] would use their skills and gifts to encourage and build up others in their faith."
Day 7: Growing into Maturity in Christ
Verse focus: “...until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature.” (Eph. 4:13)
Prayer Prompt: Ask for their spiritual growth toward maturity, faith, and knowledge in Christ.
"Heavenly Father, I pray that [name] grows into deeper unity with other believers and into a mature faith. Help them to know Jesus more deeply and become more like Him in every area of life."
Day 8: Stability in Truth and Love
Verse focus: “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth... Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him.” (Eph. 4:14–15)
Prayer Prompt: Ask God to help them stand firm in truth while speaking and living in love.
"God, I pray that [name] will grow in discernment and stand firm in the truth of Your Word. Teach them to speak truth in love, building strong and meaningful connections with others."
Day 9: Functioning as Part of Christ’s Body
Verse focus: “From Him the whole body, joined and held together... grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Eph. 4:16)
Prayer Prompt: Pray for their unique role in Christ’s body of believers to be fulfilled.
"Father, show [name] the part they play in Your body, the church. Help them to serve joyfully and effectively, contributing to the growth and unity of Your people in love."
This prayer journal offers a daily focus inspired by Ephesians 4:1–16, helping you lift up loved ones and guide them in their walk with Christ, relationships with others, and role in the church. Repeat the journal as needed, adjusting the prayers for specific needs or circumstances.